How to Customize Notification Banners in iOS 10 Using ColorBanners 2

If there are any features in iOS 10 that I have not complain about that would be the notification system or the banner design itself. They work flawlessly without any problems unless you misconfigured them. However, there are no colors to the notification banners, and that makes the device less exciting when you receive a notification.

If you ever felt the need to customize your notification banners or popups, there is a jailbreak tweak that will allow you to do so. Titled ColorBanners 2, the updated version of its original version, this tweak is now compatible with jailbroken iOS 10.

ColorBanners 2 will let you customize the look of your notification banners so that it brings more colors to your iPhone or iPad and unleash your creativity. This tweak is also necessary because, with the release of iOS 10, notifications is being visible in more places than older firmware.

How to change the color of your notification banners

  1. Go on Cydia and make sure the Changes tab is updated
  2. Purchase ColorBanners 2 from the BigBoss repo ($0.99)
  3. Install and Respring

Once the ColorBanners tweak is installed on your iOS device, you are one step closer to having a better look on the iPhone or iPad. Head inside the stock Settings app and access the ColorBanners 2 preference page.

In it, you have the following options:

  • Banners
  • Lock Screen
  • Notification Center

The good thing about this tweak is that it doesn’t restrict you to a certain design or force you to see the same color being displayed across the system.

You have the choice of customizing the notification banners to be different from one place to another. For example, red from the Lock Screen while blue in the NC (Notification Center).

Besides choosing colors for your banners, you can also add gradients or remove everything and just keep the blur.

Under the three settings are Test Banner, Test Lock Screen, and Test Notification Center. After you customize the design, use these options to see how they look on your device.

I think ColorBanners 2 for iOS 10 is worth the cost considering the amount of features that are provided within the package. Give it a try and let us know if it works out for you.

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